Hybrid Format - both In-Person and ZOOM
Vets Hall, 209 Surf St.
Morro Bay, Ca.
Speak to Item 7b - Sea Otter Awareness Week and the potential distruption to the sea otters in Morro Bay due to Offshore Wind site surveys activity, increased boat traffic.
Speak to Item 9b - Approval of Offshore WInd sub-recipient agreement with SLO County.
The recommended action is approval of the agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute the funding sub-recipient agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo. The fund supports staffing costs associated with development of the joint Operations and Maintenance Waterfront Infrastructure Facility Siting Study and Site Readiness Plans.
Speak to your concerns about site surveys in State Waters and Federal Waters and the impact to marine animals using high decible sound.
Speak about the environmenal disaster on Nantucket Island, Cape Cod and the mainland due to turbine blade failure.
Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.