Events & Meetings

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo, Ca


The Board of Supervisors passed Resolution No. 2021-134 in 2021 supporting offshore wind. This passage was extremely premature as the ramifications and impacts of offshore wind were not known. The vote was 4 in favor with Supervisor Arnold recusing herself.

A good talking point for public comment would be the premature passage of this resolution.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.


Inform the Board that even with the Executive Order regarding offshore wind, REACT Alliance is proceeding “business as usual”.

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California Coastal Commission
to Mar 14

California Coastal Commission

  • Courtyard Marriott - Santa Cruz (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hybrid format 

Courtyard Marriott - Santa Cruz

Wednesday, March 12 2025 - Friday March 14, 2025


Based on the published agenda, there are no specific Offshsore Wind reports so public comment should be during the general public comment period at the beginning of each meeting. Here are some ideas for topics:

Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


1.  Review of the successful National Day of Action - End It event, both locally and nationally.

2.  Remind that an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Port may entail, such as New  Bedford Mass, where the turbines are towed for repairs.

3.  Inform that REACT ALliance will be proceeding on "business as usual" in the efforts against OSW, even with the most recent actions by the president.

4. Inquire about their understanding of the cost of the energy produced?  Most data states that 3-4 times more than other energy sources.  How will the low income residents of CA afford this cost?

5.  Demand (AGAIN) the Coastal Staff heed the many studies that have been provided to them that counter many of the "assumptions" they have made in issuance of their permits.

7.  Inquire about their understanding of the action that president took in regard to OSW?  

8.  Discuss the transmission plan from the Energy Dept that shows many additional lease sites and transmission line landings. 

9.  Reiterate the impacts to the fishing industry, including increased large vessel traffic, navigation hazards, decreased upwellings, EMF leaks, migration and breeding patterns impacted from noise and EMF of High volt cables, and mass killing of benthic habitat and species from high decibel mapping close to the ocean bottom floor.

10. Discuss the concerns of the “Big Sur Coastline” famous viewshed that people travel from all over the world to see, now potentially filled with giant 300’ OSW service vessels, oil rig sized substations, and hundreds of 1000 ft. wind turbiMarchnes?

Remember you need to register one day before the day you plan to speak. Go to the home page here for the March meeting.

And click on the green button that says “SUBMIT SPEAKER REQUEST HERE”. You will then go through a number of screens and answering questions.

Here is a link to the virtual meeting procedures;

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Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

REACT Alliance will be staffing a table at SLO Farmers Market once a month throughJune 2025.

1-2 volunteers are needed for upcoming dates from 5-9pm. Please email and let us know when you can help:

March 13

May 22

June 12

If you are not sure you’re ready for tabling - Paul Gallo/REACT Director has created a easy to read/understand document that will help any volunteer interested in tabling to be proficient with the Frequently Asked Questions.

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San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo, Ca


The Board of Supervisors passed Resolution No. 2021-134 in 2021 supporting offshore wind. This passage was extremely premature as the ramifications and impacts of offshore wind were not known. The vote was 4 in favor with Supervisor Arnold recusing herself.

A good talking point for public comment would be the premature passage of this resolution.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.


Inform the Board that even with the Executive Order regarding offshore wind, REACT Alliance is proceeding “business as usual”.

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Morro Bay City Council

Morro Bay City Council

Hybrid Format - both In-Person and ZOOM

Vets Hall, 209 Surf St.
Morro Bay, Ca.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Ask about the status of the grant funded port feasibility study done by Mott McDonald.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak about your concerns with a neighboring port (Port San Luis) deciding to move forward with Offshore Wind.


Inform the Board that even with the Executive Order regarding offshore wind, REACT Alliance is proceeding “business as usual”.

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Port San Luis Harbor District

Port San Luis Harbor District

  • Port San Luis Harbor District/Coastal Gateway Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In person only!

Coastal Gateway Building

3900 Avila Beach Drive


Speak to the qualities you would like to see in the new Harbor DIrector (Suzy Watkins contract was not renewed and ends on January 31, 2025). Some suggestions include being responsive to the public, being accessible and in the office on a regular basis, providing accurate and timely information when asked.


Speak to your general concerns about the potential industrialization of Port San Luis.


Speak to the Consent Item - Offshore Wind Update (this item should appear on the monthly agenda).


Once the agenda is published, more specifics for public comment will be provided.

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Port San Luis Harbor District

Port San Luis Harbor District

  • Port San Luis Harbor District/Coastal Gateway Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In person only!

Coastal Gateway Building

3900 Avila Beach Drive


Speak to the qualities you would like to see in the new Harbor DIrector (Suzy Watkins contract was not renewed and ends on January 31, 2025). Some suggestions include being responsive to the public, being accessible and in the office on a regular basis, providing accurate and timely information when asked.


Speak to your general concerns about the potential industrialization of Port San Luis.


Speak to the Consent Item - Offshore Wind Update (this item should appear on the monthly agenda).


Once the agenda is published, more specifics for public comment will be provided.

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Morro Bay City Council

Morro Bay City Council

Hybrid Format - both In-Person and ZOOM

Vets Hall, 209 Surf St.
Morro Bay, Ca.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Ask about the status of the grant funded port feasibility study done by Mott McDonald.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak about your concerns with a neighboring port (Port San Luis) deciding to move forward with Offshore Wind.


Inform the Board that even with the Executive Order regarding offshore wind, REACT Alliance is proceeding “business as usual”.

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Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

REACT Alliance will be staffing a table at SLO Farmers Market once a month throughJune 2025.

1-2 volunteers are needed for upcoming dates from 5-9pm. Please email and let us know when you can help:

February 6

March 13

May 22

June 12

If you are not sure you’re ready for tabling - Paul Gallo/REACT Director has created a easy to read/understand document that will help any volunteer interested in tabling to be proficient with the Frequently Asked Questions.

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California Coastal Commission
to Feb 6

California Coastal Commission

  • Long Beach Civic Center/City Council Chambers (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hybrid format 

Long Beach Civic Center/Council Chambers

Wednesday and Thursday only, no Friday meeting


Based on the published agenda, there are no specific Offshsore Wind reports so public comment should be during the general public comment period at the beginning of each meeting. Here are some ideas for topics:

Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


1.  Review of the successful National Day of Action - End It event, both locally and nationally.

2.  Remind that an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Port may entail, such as New  Bedford Mass, where the turbines are towed for repairs.

3.  Inform that REACT ALliance will be proceeding on "business as usual" in the efforts against OSW, even with the most recent actions by the president.

4. Inquire about their understanding of the cost of the energy produced?  Most data states that 3-4 times more than other energy sources.  How will the low income residents of CA afford this cost?

5.  Demand (AGAIN) the Coastal Staff heed the many studies that have been provided to them that counter many of the "assumptions" they have made in issuance of their permits.

7.  Inquire about their understanding of the action that president took in regard to OSW?  

8.  Discuss the transmission plan from the Energy Dept that shows many additional lease sites and transmission line landings. 

9.  Reiterate the impacts to the fishing industry, including increased large vessel traffic, navigation hazards, decreased upwellings, EMF leaks, migration and breeding patterns impacted from noise and EMF of High volt cables, and mass killing of benthic habitat and species from high decibel mapping close to the ocean bottom floor.

10. Discuss the concerns of the “Big Sur Coastline” famous viewshed that people travel from all over the world to see, now potentially filled with giant 300’ OSW service vessels, oil rig sized substations, and hundreds of 1000 ft. wind turbines?

Remember you need to register one day before the day you plan to speak. Go to the home page here for the February meeting.

And click on the green button that says “SUBMIT SPEAKER REQUEST HERE”. You will then go through a number of screens and answering questions.

Here is a link to the virtual meeting procedures;

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San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo, Ca


The Board of Supervisors passed Resolution No. 2021-134 in 2021 supporting offshore wind. This passage was extremely premature as the ramifications and impacts of offshore wind were not known. The vote was 4 in favor with Supervisor Arnold recusing herself.

A good talking point for public comment would be the premature passage of thei resolution.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.

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Port San Luis Harbor District

Port San Luis Harbor District

  • Port San Luis Harbor District/Coastal Gateway Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In person only!

January 28, 2025 @6:00 p.m.

Coastal Gateway Building

3900 Avila Beach Drive


This will be the first full meeting for new Commission Richard Scangarello. Congratulate the election of Richard Scangarello to the Board of Commissioners - defeating Katie Lichtig by a wide margin.


Speak to the qualities you would like to see in the new Harbor DIrector (Suzy Watkins contract was not renewed and ends on January 31, 2025). Some suggestions include being responsive to the public, being accessible and in the office on a regular basis, providing accurate and timely information when asked.


Speak to your general concerns about the potential industrialization of Port San Luis.


Speak to the Consent Item - Offshore Wind Update


Once the agenda is published, more specifics for public comment will be provided.

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Morro Bay City Council

Morro Bay City Council

Hybrid Format - both In-Person and ZOOM

Vets Hall, 209 Surf St.
Morro Bay, Ca.


Items to speak on will be identified and talking points will be provided once the agenda is published.


Speak to concerns about site surveys in State Waters and Federal Waters and the impact to marine animals using high decible sound.


Speak about the environmenal disaster on Nantucket Island, Cape Cod and the mainland due to turbine blade failure.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.

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A National Day of Action - END IT

A National Day of Action - END IT

Join us in this National Day of Action - END IT! This event is held in opposition to offshore wind.

The focus is to let the incoming administration know that we, with a united voice, are voicing our opposition to offshore wind and are looking to the promise to END IT!

We will no longer accept our government's destructive policies regarding this unacceptable technology. we will protect our oceans and coastal communities from the threat that offshore wind presents.

Groups on both the east coast and west coast will be participating in this event.

The event will include several brief speakers and then participants are encouraged to march along the Embarcadero as a group - signs will be provided or bring you own. March expected to begin at approximately 12:30p

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San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo, Ca


The Board of Supervisors passed Resolution No. 2021-134 in 2021 supporting offshore wind. This passage was extremely premature as the ramifications and impacts of offhshore wind were not known. The vote was 4 in favor with Supervisor Arnold recusing herself.

Below is the resolution and we will be providing specific talking points for the upcoming meetings. Please plan on attending.



 The following resolution is hereby offered and read:

WHEREAS, power generation from the wind, including offshore wind, is being developed globally as a means of providing a clean, reliable energy source of energy as nations reduce dependence on fossil fuels; and

 WHEREAS, the United States Executive Administration has established a target of 30 gigawatts (GW) of installed offshore wind energy by 2030, and on May 25, 2021, announced plans to open California coast to offshore wind development and allow wind power projects to be built in an area northwest of Morro Bay; and

 WHEREAS, California, a pioneer and leader in renewable energy, passed the 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 and directed that eligible renewable energy resources supply 100% of retail sales of electricity to California customers by December 31, 2045; and

 WHEREAS, San Luis Obispo County has been a leader in energy generation for over a century, including the current contribution of 2.2 gigawatts of carbon free, base load energy generated at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and, 800 megawatts of utility scale solar generation; and

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Interior, through its Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), has identified promising areas in Federal waters off the central and northern California coast for wind energy production; and

 WHEREAS, Federal and State policy mandate and encourage local workforce partnerships and economic benefits to communities that help foster offshore wind energy production; and

WHEREAS, there is record demand for sustainable renewable energy and record investment by the private and public sector in its development; and

 WHEREAS, on May 25, 2021, the Federal Government announced 399 square miles and a up to 3GW generation capacity of offshore wind energy with attendant economic benefits; and

 WHEREAS, the federal government has allocated $3 billion in federal offshore wind loan guarantees and infrastructure investment for coastal ports; and

 WHEREAS, plans need to be developed to improve existing waterfront facilities that could support a range of floating offshore wind energy development activities that can create nearly 12,000 specialized wind port construction jobs over 5 years and up to 650 operations and maintenance jobs annually, in perpetuity for a 3GW wind farm; and

 WHEREAS, the Central Coast encompasses ancestral homelands of the yak tityu tityu yak ti!hini Northern Chumash people, the Aboriginal Titleholders, and the County will coordinate with California Native American tribes regarding policies that may affect tribal communities; and

 WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo acknowledges that the commercial fishing activities are coastal dependent uses receiving the highest priority under the California Coastal Act and the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, and that the continuing viability of which is of critical importance to maintaining the commercial fishing industry along the California coast. And that the local commercial fishing industry is subject to substantial economic pressures, is vulnerable from a range of regulatory, economic, and market impacts, and that the cumulative effects of the [Project] coupled with these pressures, may impact its members; and

 WHEREAS, the Central Coast commercial fishing fleet contributes to the economy, quality of life, and culture of the region, the County commits to collaborate with the fleet regarding policies that may affect commercial fishing.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, support Federal and State initiatives aimed at developing wind, energy storage and other forms of renewable energy needed to offset the loss of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and advocate for state and federal funding to advance feasibility studies for locating a clean energy port and supporting infrastructure in SLO County for the development of offshore wind energy as may be planned by the Federal Government and the State of California that includes an analysis of the economic impact to the commercial fishing industry.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.

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Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

REACT Alliance will be staffing a table at SLO Farmers Market once a month June 2025.

1-2 volunteers are needed for upcoming dates from 5-9pm. Please email and let us know when you can help:

February 6

March 13

May 22

June 12

If you are not sure you’re ready for tabling - Paul Gallo/REACT Director has created a easy to read/understand document that will help any volunteer interested in tabling to be proficient with the Frequently Asked Questions.

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San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo, Ca


The Board of Supervisors passed Resolution No. 2021-134 way back in 2021 supporting offshore wind. This passage was extremely premature as the ramifications and impacts of offhshore wind were not known. The vote was 4 in favor with Supervisor Arnold recusing herself.

Below is the resolution and we will be providing specific talking points for the upcoming meetings. Please plan on attending.



 The following resolution is hereby offered and read:

WHEREAS, power generation from the wind, including offshore wind, is being developed globally as a means of providing a clean, reliable energy source of energy as nations reduce dependence on fossil fuels; and

 WHEREAS, the United States Executive Administration has established a target of 30 gigawatts (GW) of installed offshore wind energy by 2030, and on May 25, 2021, announced plans to open California coast to offshore wind development and allow wind power projects to be built in an area northwest of Morro Bay; and

 WHEREAS, California, a pioneer and leader in renewable energy, passed the 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 and directed that eligible renewable energy resources supply 100% of retail sales of electricity to California customers by December 31, 2045; and

 WHEREAS, San Luis Obispo County has been a leader in energy generation for over a century, including the current contribution of 2.2 gigawatts of carbon free, base load energy generated at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and, 800 megawatts of utility scale solar generation; and

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Interior, through its Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), has identified promising areas in Federal waters off the central and northern California coast for wind energy production; and

 WHEREAS, Federal and State policy mandate and encourage local workforce partnerships and economic benefits to communities that help foster offshore wind energy production; and

WHEREAS, there is record demand for sustainable renewable energy and record investment by the private and public sector in its development; and

 WHEREAS, on May 25, 2021, the Federal Government announced 399 square miles and a up to 3GW generation capacity of offshore wind energy with attendant economic benefits; and

 WHEREAS, the federal government has allocated $3 billion in federal offshore wind loan guarantees and infrastructure investment for coastal ports; and

 WHEREAS, plans need to be developed to improve existing waterfront facilities that could support a range of floating offshore wind energy development activities that can create nearly 12,000 specialized wind port construction jobs over 5 years and up to 650 operations and maintenance jobs annually, in perpetuity for a 3GW wind farm; and

 WHEREAS, the Central Coast encompasses ancestral homelands of the yak tityu tityu yak ti!hini Northern Chumash people, the Aboriginal Titleholders, and the County will coordinate with California Native American tribes regarding policies that may affect tribal communities; and

 WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo acknowledges that the commercial fishing activities are coastal dependent uses receiving the highest priority under the California Coastal Act and the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, and that the continuing viability of which is of critical importance to maintaining the commercial fishing industry along the California coast. And that the local commercial fishing industry is subject to substantial economic pressures, is vulnerable from a range of regulatory, economic, and market impacts, and that the cumulative effects of the [Project] coupled with these pressures, may impact its members; and

 WHEREAS, the Central Coast commercial fishing fleet contributes to the economy, quality of life, and culture of the region, the County commits to collaborate with the fleet regarding policies that may affect commercial fishing.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, support Federal and State initiatives aimed at developing wind, energy storage and other forms of renewable energy needed to offset the loss of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and advocate for state and federal funding to advance feasibility studies for locating a clean energy port and supporting infrastructure in SLO County for the development of offshore wind energy as may be planned by the Federal Government and the State of California that includes an analysis of the economic impact to the commercial fishing industry.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.

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Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

REACT Alliance will be staffing a table at SLO Farmers Market once a month June 2025.

1-2 volunteers are needed for upcoming dates from 5-9pm. Please email and let us know when you can help:

January 9

February 6

March 13

May 22

June 12

If you are not sure you’re ready for tabling - Paul Gallo/REACT Director has created a easy to read/understand document that will help any volunteer interested in tabling to be proficient with the Frequently Asked Questions.

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Morro Bay City Council

Morro Bay City Council

Hybrid Format - both In-Person and ZOOM

Vets Hall, 209 Surf St.
Morro Bay, Ca.


Specifics will be provided once the agenda is published.


Speak to concerns about site surveys in State Waters and Federal Waters and the impact to marine animals using high decible sound.


Speak about the environmenal disaster on Nantucket Island, Cape Cod and the mainland due to turbine blade failure.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.

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Port San Luis Harbor District

Port San Luis Harbor District

  • Port San Luis Harbor District/Coastal Gateway Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In person only!

Note the day and time change - December 10th @2:00 p.m. for this meeting

Coastal Gateway Building

3900 Avila Beach Drive


Congratulate the election of Richard Scangarello to the Board of Commissioners - defeating Katie Lichtig by a wide margin.


Speak to the qualities you would like to see in the new Harbor DIrector (Suzy Watkins contract was not renewed and ends on January 31, 2025). Some suggestions include being responsive to the public, being accessible and in the office on a regular basis, providing accurate and timely information when asked.


Speak to your general concerns about the potential industrialization of Port San Luis.


Speak to the Consent Item - Offshore Wind Update


Once the agenda is published, more specifics for public comment will be provided.

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San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo, Ca


The Board of Supervisors passed Resolution No. 2021-134 way back in 2021 supporting offshore wind. This passage was extremely premature as the ramifications and impacts of offhshore wind were not known. The vote was 4 in favor with Supervisor Arnold recusing herself.

Below is the resolution and we will be providing specific talking points for the upcoming meetings. Please plan on attending.



 The following resolution is hereby offered and read:

WHEREAS, power generation from the wind, including offshore wind, is being developed globally as a means of providing a clean, reliable energy source of energy as nations reduce dependence on fossil fuels; and

 WHEREAS, the United States Executive Administration has established a target of 30 gigawatts (GW) of installed offshore wind energy by 2030, and on May 25, 2021, announced plans to open California coast to offshore wind development and allow wind power projects to be built in an area northwest of Morro Bay; and

 WHEREAS, California, a pioneer and leader in renewable energy, passed the 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 and directed that eligible renewable energy resources supply 100% of retail sales of electricity to California customers by December 31, 2045; and

 WHEREAS, San Luis Obispo County has been a leader in energy generation for over a century, including the current contribution of 2.2 gigawatts of carbon free, base load energy generated at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and, 800 megawatts of utility scale solar generation; and

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Interior, through its Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), has identified promising areas in Federal waters off the central and northern California coast for wind energy production; and

 WHEREAS, Federal and State policy mandate and encourage local workforce partnerships and economic benefits to communities that help foster offshore wind energy production; and

WHEREAS, there is record demand for sustainable renewable energy and record investment by the private and public sector in its development; and

 WHEREAS, on May 25, 2021, the Federal Government announced 399 square miles and a up to 3GW generation capacity of offshore wind energy with attendant economic benefits; and

 WHEREAS, the federal government has allocated $3 billion in federal offshore wind loan guarantees and infrastructure investment for coastal ports; and

 WHEREAS, plans need to be developed to improve existing waterfront facilities that could support a range of floating offshore wind energy development activities that can create nearly 12,000 specialized wind port construction jobs over 5 years and up to 650 operations and maintenance jobs annually, in perpetuity for a 3GW wind farm; and

 WHEREAS, the Central Coast encompasses ancestral homelands of the yak tityu tityu yak ti!hini Northern Chumash people, the Aboriginal Titleholders, and the County will coordinate with California Native American tribes regarding policies that may affect tribal communities; and

 WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo acknowledges that the commercial fishing activities are coastal dependent uses receiving the highest priority under the California Coastal Act and the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, and that the continuing viability of which is of critical importance to maintaining the commercial fishing industry along the California coast. And that the local commercial fishing industry is subject to substantial economic pressures, is vulnerable from a range of regulatory, economic, and market impacts, and that the cumulative effects of the [Project] coupled with these pressures, may impact its members; and

 WHEREAS, the Central Coast commercial fishing fleet contributes to the economy, quality of life, and culture of the region, the County commits to collaborate with the fleet regarding policies that may affect commercial fishing.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, support Federal and State initiatives aimed at developing wind, energy storage and other forms of renewable energy needed to offset the loss of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and advocate for state and federal funding to advance feasibility studies for locating a clean energy port and supporting infrastructure in SLO County for the development of offshore wind energy as may be planned by the Federal Government and the State of California that includes an analysis of the economic impact to the commercial fishing industry.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.

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REACT Alliance General Monthly Meeting

REACT Alliance General Monthly Meeting

Monthly meetings held the 1st Wednesday of each month and open to the interested public

Incoming City Councilmember Jeff Eckles is our featured speaker this month, focusing on the issue of local control - this will be a great presentation and not to miss!

We will also be sharing information about the latest happenings, meetings and events to attend.

Meeting locatation is The Benedict - 1401 Quintana Rd. Morro Bay

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Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

Tabling at SLO Farmers Market

REACT Alliance will be staffing a table at SLO Farmers Market once a month June 2025.

1-2 volunteers are needed for upcoming dates from 5-9pm. Please email and let us know when you can help:

December 12

January 9

February 6

March 13

May 22

June 12

If you are not sure you’re ready for tabling - Paul Gallo/REACT Director has created a easy to read/understand document that will help any volunteer interested in tabling to be proficient with the Frequently Asked Questions.

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California Coastal Commission
to Nov 15

California Coastal Commission

  • San Francisco, CA United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hybrid format 

San Francisco, CA


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.

You need to register one day before the day you plan to speak. Go to the home page of the agenda.

And click on the green button that says “SUBMIT SPEAKER REQUEST HERE”. You will then go through a number of screens and answering questions.

Here is a link to the virtual meeting procedures;

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Port San Luis Harbor District

Port San Luis Harbor District

  • Port San Luis Harbor District/Coastal Gateway Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In person only!

Note the time change to 2:00 p.m. for this meeting

Coastal Gateway Building

3900 Avila Beach Drive


Congratulate the election of Richard Scangarello to the Board of Commissioners - defeating Katie Lichtig by a wide margin.

Once the agenda is published, more specifics for public comment will be provided.


Speak to your general concerns about the potential industrialization of Port San Luis.


Speak to Consent Item H - Offshore Wind Update

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San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting  (Copy)

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting (Copy)

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the concern with the Board of Supervisors prematuraly adopting a resolution in favor of offshore wind without any relevant data. More talking points on this issue to be added in the next few days.

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Shining a Light on Offshore Wind - Public Forum

Shining a Light on Offshore Wind - Public Forum

Shining the Light on Offshore Wind Energy Forum - Illuminating the Environmental, Economic and Community Impacts

Join us for our Fall Forum on Offshore Wind Energy on November 9, 2024 at Swallow Creek Ranch in Cayucos from 1-4pm.

A wine and cheese reception will follow from 4-5pm.

The forum is intended to inform and educate people of the Central Coast about proposed offshore wind energy development off our coast and in our communities and will feature four dynamic speakers and Q&A, followed by a wine & cheese reception with live music by the Jill Knight Duo.

Speakers include;

Dr. C. Michael Hogan, physicist and cetacean behavior expert

Dr. David Henderson, energy economist

Bonnie Brady, CEO Long Island Fishing Association

Zara Landrum, Morro Bay City Councilmember.

Tickets for the event are $33 and are available at

The forum will be held at the beautiful Swallow Creek Ranch, nestled in the rolling hills of Cayucos, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It is a working cattle ranch that prioritizes habitat restoration and conservation, and focuses on sustainable practices. A historic barn on the property has been repurposed to accommodate weddings and events of all kinds.

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Port San Luis Harbor District

Port San Luis Harbor District

  • Port San Luis Harbor District/Coastal Gateway Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In person only!

Coastal Gateway Building

3900 Avila Beach Drive


Continue to attend and speak at the General Public Comment period at the beginning of the meeting to share your concern about the Board’s actions at the July 23, 2024 meeting - moving one step forward on approving an industrial port at Port San Luis. See below for a more detailed description.

On July 23, 2024, the Port San Luis Harbor Commission by a vote of 3-2 approved a Project Evaluation Agreement between the Port and Clean Energy Terminals, LLC. Several Port Commissioners stated "this is just a feasibility study, nothing more". However the agreement includes language about negotiating in good faith for an option to lease, one or more parcels of land within the harbor district for the project. The project in section 3.6, page 8 of same agreement is defined as "construction of an operations and maintenance marine terminal".


Speak to your general concerns about the potential industrialization of Port San Luis.


Speak to Consent Item H - Offshore Wind Update

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Morro Bay City Council

Morro Bay City Council

Hybrid Format - both In-Person and ZOOM

Vets Hall, 209 Surf St.
Morro Bay, Ca.


Speak to concerns about site surveys in State Waters and Federal Waters and the impact to marine animals using high decible sound.


Speak about the environmenal disaster on Nantucket Island, Cape Cod and the mainland due to turbine blade failure.


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.

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San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment In Person Only

County Government Center

1055 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.

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Port San Luis Commissioners Candidate Forum -

Port San Luis Commissioners Candidate Forum -

On Line Candidate Forum for Port San Luis Harbor District Commissioners, District 2. Two candidates are running for one seat:

Richard Scangarello

Katie LIchtig

Questions must be submitted by October 8, 2024 for the online forum scheduled for October 16th. Submit questions by email at or go to the website to submit questions at

Registration for the event is suggested to receive event reminders but not required. Register at

The event will be live-streamed on Zoom

Link to event:

Meeting ID: 865 8582 8009

Passcode: 960210


On YouTube Live at

Submit questions by email to or to to the League of Women Voters website

REACT is most interested in the candidates stance on offshore wind specifically their stance on an operations and maintenance port in Port San Luis and their understanding how this type industrialization will affect the port and surrounding area, also more generally their stance on floating offshore wind turbines off the San Luis Obispo County Coast.

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California Coastal Commission
to Oct 11

California Coastal Commission

Hybrid format 

Catamaran Hotel

3999 Mission Boulevard

San Diego, CA 92109


Speak generally about your concerns with Offshore Wind.


Speak to the Environmental Disaster on the East Coast and how it is easily replicated on the West Coast with the proposed OSW project.


Speak to the decision by the Port San Luis Harbor District regarding moving forward with Offshore Wind.

You need to register one day before the day you plan to speak. Go to the home page of the agenda here;

And click on the green button that says “SUBMIT SPEAKER REQUEST HERE”. You will then go through a number of screens and answering questions.

Here is a link to the virtual meeting procedures;

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Cambria Rally & Awareness Walk

Cambria Rally & Awareness Walk

The Central Coast is being targeted for massive Offshore Wind Energy production and Industrialization. Our thriving marine environment faces transformation into an industrial zone and our communities risk significant economic and cultural harm.

When: Saturday, October 5 from Noon - 1 p.m.

Where: Meet at the Cambria Veterans Hall, 1000 Main Street, Cambria.

We will RALLY at the Corner of Main and Cambria Drive then walk to the Main and Bridge St. in the East Village

Bring your voice, your friends and signs!

For more informaiton contact:

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“Our economy is dependent on the ocean and its sea life. Our collective ability to thrive hinges on our ocean's health”

Dawn Addis
California State Representative